How to Manage M&A Integration Well

A merger or acquisition is a powerful tool for accelerating growth and expanding reach through using additional channels, customer segments, or other assets. It can open up the possibility of a more diverse range of products that caters to a variety of demographics for instance the combination of a company’s retail presence with distribution channels from another. It also opens up new markets, for instance by merging or buying a company operating within a specific geographic area.

Organizations that fail to manage M&A integration well risk destroying value through consuming too much time and energy. They could lose talented employees who are unhappy and decide to move to another company. Additionally, poorly-managed system migrations can cause confusion for managers and derail their focus on the daily business.

A common error made in M&A integration is the desire to transfer acquired systems and processes too quickly in order to gain cost savings. However, doing this can result in major disruptions to customers and create a lot of effort for no gain.

Instead, a better approach is discover this to establish clear guidelines and the level of integration required to fulfill these. This allows leaders to develop strong relationships with functional work stream leaders as well as IMO to increase transparency and accountability, as well as transparency about the program. It is also crucial to set up a weekly schedule between IMO teams and the SteerCo to encourage daily progress, escalate risks and solve problems. This will provide the IMO with the visibility and accountability it requires to ensure the execution of the integration plan.

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